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    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.


    Clip Description

    THE D.A. HIT
    Starring: Belle Fatale w/ Chris B

    **FULL 1920X1080 HD**

    Focus on Black stockings and extreme strangling in multiple positions...

    A.D.A. Belle Pearson is on a drawn out, arduous, and very sensitive case. She is prosecuting a long time mafia ring leader Pasqual Marquez and he has been pulling all kinds of stunts; rigging the jury, eliminating witnesses, putting out high dollar hits on the D.A.'s office and even trying to bribe the judge, but crime rules in this setting, where the crooked get their way and the righteous, ethical folks get the raw end of the deal. After a long week of cross examinations and acute recesses, the court will re adjourn after the holiday weekend and hopefully A.D.A. Pearson will be able to be there, now that her star witness has disappeared. After court she is whisked away in a separate car to the airport where she will take a rental and hide out, leaving a large police detail on her house in the city so Marquez thinks her and her husband are home. She doesn't know how close to her the mafia is and knows her every move.

    A.D.A. Pearson is now at her cabin upstate, acting paranoid and looking through the window, she is dressed in business attire, skirt, top, blazer, and her favorite lace top thigh highs of which she has an obsession with. She calls her hubby who is still in town working as a public defender and plans to meet her at the cabin later. She tells him she has a hit out on her and not to worry, they are the only ones that know about the cabin and she will be happy to see him soon when he arrives. She constantly rubs her tired, stocking covered feet and obsesses over the stockings and how her legs look in them. The rain comes down harder and harder outside as the she hangs up with her hubby and starts to get comfortable, undressing so she is only in her sexy black, lace top sheer thigh high stockings. She takes another new pair and starts to play with them on the lounger, rubbing them on the soles of her sexy stocking covered feet as she lifts her legs in the air, showing off her perfect body and sexy little pussy, pantiless, only wearing thigh highs. As she pulls and stretches the new stockings she is playing with, she starts to get hot, rubbing them new stockings through her pussy and ass, getting her wet. As she is getting into it, losing her focus on the trial and Marquez, she doesn't realize there is a hit man peering down the hall, slowly putting on his tight black leather gloves, and moving stealthily towards her as she plays with the stretched out nylon stocking. Before she knows what is coming the hit man who's every move is fluid and calculated, like he has strangled many before her. He grabs the stocking as close to the ends as he can and wraps the middle around her neck crossing the nylon in the rear so it will clamp down on her airway. He is professional and is all about the passion of the kill. She springs up and immediately starts to fight, like she knew she was ready but didn't act until she felt the ligature around her neck squeezing. She fights him, slapping his face, grasping at the tightly wound stocking and kicking her stocking covered legs and feet(LOTS OF FOOT VIEWS) As she fights for her life with much vigor and enthusiasm, he takes her on a strangle journey that will last almost ten minutes and many different positions, almost like he was taking her on a sexual tour, but all business in strangle positions with lots of POV and intimate views of her demise. All the while she is wide eyed, tongue way out, trying with every ounce of energy and real live sweat that she wants to live. If this hit man wasn't so seasoned and seamless in his attack, she might prevail. After he gets her almost to the point of no return, he gets her in a comfortable position so he can enjoy her ass slamming down on to his cock and balls, and the closest thing he will get to having sexual fun with her. This killer is all business and can not contaminate the crime scene with his DNA. If it was one of those turn and burn the body jobs, it would be a sure thing, but this is a hit, made to look like the mafia did it, when in reality, it was probably ordered by the judge who is now richer than most CEO's. A.D.A. Pearson is dead and her last failed attempt to live is thwarted by a tighter garrote and more intensity. The Attorney is dead and her twitching subsides and he releases the stocking. A large bruise and redness is there where the stocking was on her neck and he sits her up from laying on him. He flops her around and on to the floor where he scoops her up in a cradle and sets her on the lounger. He positions her to be facing the door for when her husband arrives, and he moves her around the lounger into different positions until he is satisfied. He says a couple words and chuckles as he leaves the body to be found by the hubby in a very short while. The hit man exits into the stormy dark night as the sexy corpse of the A.D.A. lays positioned on the sofa lounger with her sexy stocking clad soles exposed and her pussy wide open to inspect. Soon the husband will find her and spend some time with her body, mourning the loss of such a powerful, sexy, stocking obsessed A.D.A.

    Okay the second part of this awesome strangle film is up next, with all the necro elements and lots of carrying, even in the rain outside at night....How sexy I love to strangle Belle she is always making up new faces and positions of demise. CB

    Run Time: 15:30 minutes
    File Size: 670 MB Format: .MP4

    Clip Duration:      15 minutes
    Format Size
    m4v718.09 MB

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